(Sept 15th) So Far So Good

So far...

I have been praying to God everyday asking for protection over my family. I have been keeping in touch with a special guy, David Harbor; my wonderful godbro; Le Jie, and a very best friend; Danny Chan. I gave hugs to my workmate; Ah Mei and mama Lyndy. I have been talking to Abraham more than before. I hear what I ought to know about people and I began to understand them better. I never fail to bully the two Quality part time workers; Wei Tong and Harry 'Potter'. I can't stop smiling when Hui Wen came to Tesco because of Xiao Qiang who is working there. I got Chocolate Ice Cream from Mr Ong who actually didn't owe me one. I didn't receive any annoying calls and texts from people.

So good...

I spoke Mandarin with most of the people there so that I can improve my mother tongue. I had improved in my 'chairperson' ability (remarks from Benjamites, thank you). These days, I couldn't resist throwing clothes into washing machine. I have been eating a lot and hoping that I won't face any gastric anymore. By the way, my cough's getting better! Surprisingly, I found myself obeying my mother's rule about getting home by 12am. And I started to fall asleep right after 11.40pm. Another surprise is... I have been offered to start a new care group with Abraham! So happy lar!

One last news; Danny Chan (18) is actually my childhood friend! Well, I just found out few days ago. He remembered my whole family plus the history. I was surprised! I couldn't remember who he was. His memory really good. I was excited that I couldn't stop smiling when I browsed through my old photo album... if it wasn't for him who actually talked to me first, we wouldn't have this friendship.

My mother and Danny talked so much. They talked about the stuffs which I don't even remember. Sigh. I do hope God will restore those memories to me :)

2 say(s):

Dave Jnr. said...

Hey, u 4got to tell us hw u met ur childhood friend... Only 18 years ar? So young la.. :P Gud to hear that u're gonna start a new cg with Wei Cheng... Can't wait to see it grow.. So, build quick lar.. U've only got 4 months b4 I'm gone.. hehe.. Wish u all d best,take care always and have a lovli week.. chao!!

Mme Tshiamo said...

hey, the cg won't be starting yet. it'll start in the mid of the new semester when things get ok.. :) don't need hurry lar .. haha XD
