

No idea why my mother would bring 5 kittens back to her house. No doubt that they are adorable and shy and sweet and cute and soft (and the list goes on), BUT cat will grow into this...

I never ever like to go near cats. Long ago, I loved to pat on their head and brush their fur but.. I won't do that now. No, I never got bitten or chased but the evil looks on their faces.. When you walk towards them (meaning to walk pass them), they'll give one look to warn you, "Wanna come to me, Wanna touch me, Wanna love me.. THINK TWICE 'cos you got a longggggggg way to go!".

Animals lover? Yes, I am but NOT kitty-cat lovers. I like tigers . They are categorized in the "cat" family but tigers are strong and their looks are so fierce..

See how handsome this white tiger is? His stripe-y fur. White and black. Glaring (but sleepy) green eyes. I feel so nice and warm looking at tigers (or lions). They are big and if I have the chance, I'd hug it. I bet tigers are nice to hug

If anyone can tell me how to put a stop to the kittens' growth or how to throw those away forever and my mother would never found out, tell me *sigh* tell me so I can save my life from those cute-but-will-turn-to-sly kittens. Thanks thanks!

p.s: Asilem, you're tagged, remember?

4 say(s):

Anonymous said...

..i got 10 cats including kittens. All of them fears me. XD

jaecywong* said...

same gurl~ i hate cats!!!! very evil looking.. and the fact that i got scartched by cat before~i'm more of a doggie lover~ keke~

jaecywong* said...

have u seen her new dog is super duper cute~

Mme Tshiamo said...

blackhowling, all cats scared of you? wakakaka! must have been a very very good sensei! haha :P

jaecy HI 5! hoho .. very evil right? sigh ..
