This afternoon, Fabian and I went to watch a movie called, Bridge to Terabithia. I have not heard of it before. He told me that it is a fantasy movie, by the director of The Chronicles of Narnia. My heart jumped of joy because I love Narnia a lot! I went to pick him up at 11am from MMU and off we go. Fabian bought the tix at the ticket counter half hour before the show starts. Since we’ve plenty of time to hang out, we went to have our lunch at Medan Selera. At 12pm, both of us went into Cineplex 1. There were only 7 audiences for this movie, I counted.
Anyway, the movie is quite funny at the beginning. The family has 4 daughters and a son. The son is the main character and his name is Jess. He has problems getting along with his father and older sisters. He always gets bullied by his classmates and also by an eight grade girl in the bus. On the positive sides, he is good in drawings. He drew any imaginary things you could ever imagine, from tree trolls to bats with big heads. In school, he fell in love with his music teacher. I simply adore the songs they sang in the classroom. There is a new student whose name is Leslie and she is quite intelligent. She loves creative writing. When she reads out her essay on Scuba, Jess began to imagine the fishes swimming in the water and bubbles coming out from her mouth.
AnnaSophia Robb, PT, Josh Hutcherson

They soon became close friends, thanks to their similar interests. When they saw a rope hanging above the river, Leslie started to think about having a private place for only 2 of them. They began to explore deeper in the forest and found themselves in a world Leslie called Terabithia. It all began in a broken tree house. Terabithia is a magical place where only Jess and Leslie know. One day, their music teacher invited Jess to the National Museum. On the same day, Leslie died. She was drowned in the river. Earlier, they noticed that the water level is rising. She went to Terabithia but she fell into the river. The water was moving swiftly so I guess she couldn’t be saved.
About the ending, I guess I've to leave it up to your imagination. It's not what I expect but I understood the message this movie is showing. So, open up your mind and let everything just flow into your eyes :)
Movie Rating: ****
3 say(s):
Well, i don't know what to write actually. I promised to read your blog, and I did it. Regarding the movie you mentioned, I think I'd expressed my opinion to you through sms already. As far as I'm concerned, it's just not that kind of movie which I expected it'd be, still a satisfactory movie though. Regarding the earthquake, I've no idea about it at all. It wasn't until last night that I was informed by friend of the earthquake. I've to admit that I'm quite "lost" recently, without any knowledge of what's happening around. Oh yes, you look cool with this new hairstyle, simple yet cool. Well, I expect greater change next time, maybe perm, straighten, iron etc. But those suggestion will only do provided you have long hair, haha. So, I wish I could see you around one of these days. Best regards, Jameson.
Aiyooooo, no comment box how to comment ? :P
anyway, been a while haven't seen you, hope your doing fine !
harloe kid, so shocked when you said you want to comment :] so touched. haha! padan muka lar you. earlier didn't want to tag, now only want to tag T_T so bad..but at the same time, THANKS for dropping by. at least comment smoething about my posts lar! haiyo! >_< when coming back? during GACC ok? or else..
jameson, i agree with you with what you said about the movie. how can the most nicest part as the ending? i was hoping it'd be like Narnia you know :/ oh, about the earthquake. well, if you don't know also never mind. mlk's a bit bored. haha. thanks for the compliment :D you mean change in me? MY GOD! how can you ask me go perm my hair. sienz. everyone curled their hair, dude..haha! i hope to see you around too :]
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