2005 - March 20
` A surprise birthday party
` Renee, Nikki, Florence, Fishball, Siaw Keen, Radikah, Sam Yu, Elaine, Jeffery, Jennifer
` Shakeys' Pizza, Jaya Jusco
* I went there with Renee and Nikki after a party in Miss Oshima's condo. Renee was very clever to turn the story around, saying that she's meeting her friend in JJ. So I and Nikki followed. Until we came to Shakeys', then I knew they're celebrating Radikah's birthday. The people were sitting at 2 conjoined tables. The pizzas, garlic breads, mushroom soups, and coke were served. Everyone quarried. I didn't eat because I had enough of the Japanese food earlier. When every one is done, they placed the cake in front of Radikah and me. She said "My birthday is your birthday and so the other way." Oh, how touched was I. The others sang the birthday song and we blew the candles. A few of them started to dig the cream off the cake and splat it on our faces. I covered my face with my hands and received a hard slap on my back for it. Then, we began to spray to each other with the hard cream. I was supposed to throw a bit of the cream at Fishball but it missed him and ended up on someone's table. I’m really bad at targeting. He went to apologize.
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2006 - March 26
` A disclosed surprise birthday party
` Stephanie, Justina, Jacqueline, Pui Kim, Anne, Ling Pei, Stella, Su Li, Andrew, Thomas, Alvin
` My house
* I didn't expect it coming but I knew it a week before my birthday. We were to celebrate it on my birthday, but due to the busy-ness, it’s been postponed. So, when the secret's revealed, I was 'assigned' to do invitations. They were given out in cute envelopes. On that very day, Stephanie came without informing me. Ok, so that's a surprise. They prepare the things in the porch. After making sure the food's in right order, we went out to pick people at SK Bukit Baru bus stop. Everyone eats! Then we play games.
1) Two partners tied together at the legs, walk towards the black bin, grab 2 water balloons each and go back to the starting point at the fastest time.
2) Pass the polo sweet using toothpicks when the music's played. Once it’s stopped, the person with the sweet has to pick a paper where the penalty is stated.
* There was once, Jacqueline pulled me to a place where she started to talk. But I can't figure out what she was talking. Then, someone poured a bucket of water on me. It was Alvin! The mischief one! I got soaked! I quickly ran into the bathroom and changed. Soon, everyone came to the kitchen and I cut the Secret Recipe's Tiramisu (sponsored by Alex and is Stephanie's favourite).
` The best part was when Justina and Alvin danced together for 1 minute as the punishment in the 2nd game.

the guys: Thomas, Alvin, Andrew

the girls: Anne, Justina

shuffer kiddo

awww.. dancing to the beat :]

the fine Tiramisue Cake :)
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2007 - March 19
` A disclosed birthday party
` Shin Jie, Su Han, Abraham, Wee Kiat, Wendy, Li Lin, Wei Bin, Joey, Pai Chet, Khai Lin, Mary, Jing Ching and friend, Florence, Ivy, Joanne, Blessings, Sin Lu, Jenn and friend, David, Jonathan, Chun Hong, Phillip, Chris, Aaron, Zephaniah, Zacharias, Emmanuel, Lazarus, Paul, 2 guy visitors
` Esther’s house
* I was informed that it was for Simpsons (who was absent) and Pai Chet. Joseph Care Group organizes it. But someone said that it's my party as well, with Wendy. I was so excited for the party since last week till I've forgotten my own. I was certainly surprised when I knew that they celebrate mine. When I hung around Su Han's pc, a few people came to me, "Your birthday today right?" and "Happy Birthday". Zacharias came to me and shook a finger, "Ehhhh, I know it’s your birthday. Today right? Right?" Ok… Maybe someone should tell them it’s a surprise party. When they asked me, I said "No, it's not my birthday, it's Simpsons's birthday." It's really her birthday! Abraham was pretty suspicious. I saw him holding gifts behind his back and he was, obviously, hiding them from me. Paul placed a cold and wet plastic bag filled with jelly on my head while Aaron patted on my head. It seemed like everyone loves to hit me or pat on my head.
* We all eat the food that was prepared by the sisters in Esther's house. Again, Shin Jie fried bee hun, her specialty! Then, they were all talking about stuffs. I went to sit with Aaron and Blessings. Aaron told us a joke. It goes like this: "Why when dog piss, it brings its leg up?" Me were definitely clueless. Then he said: "Because if the pillar fall, the dog's leg able to keep it from falling onto it". Man! That was very funny!
* A few people whispered to Aaron to play the guitar. It's Birthday song time! Shin Jie held the cake. First, at Pai Chet. Then, me and lastly, Wendy who was shocked. After that, we cut the cake together. Next, it's time for pressies (will be uploaded in the next post). Then, the brothers and sisters prayed for each of us :) Few minutes later, the girls asked Pai Chet to wear the skirt and spaggethi strap shirt. She don't wear those stuffs but we all forced her to. When she has done, everyone barge into the room but the girls tried to close the door. It was a funny scene! We didn't play games because some of us have to leave early. Then, we bid each other goodbye and off we went.
* Jonathan sent me home and we talked about Canaan Home on our way back. It was a very nice ride home. He shared a lot of things about Canaan land. It was a very good sharing :)
p.s: so, anyone really know when's my birthday?