*running in circles like Sushi*
It's coming! I can't believe that it's coming...!
Get your mind all set for this important day!
Don't forget to bring your friends to the party!
Do not miss Second Chance in Hope of God Malacca.

*running in circles like Sushi*
It's coming! I can't believe that it's coming...!
Get your mind all set for this important day!
Don't forget to bring your friends to the party!
Do not miss Second Chance in Hope of God Malacca.
You better watch out, you better not cry,
You better not pout, I'm telling you why,
Santa Claus is coming to town…
(Sorry, I don't remember the next verse. It's quite nice though)
FLASH BACK! Remembered that she has to do a 50 words essay on popular local or international celebrities *McFly!*. Yey-ness! She's darn happy that she's able to share her favourite band with the lecturer again. TROUBLED: The essay must be in FRENCH. Now she started to feel a bit dizzy and she wants to sleep. But she has to do her part for Information System assignment. She is clueless about SAP implemented in the IT based companies. STUNNED: The page on SAP that she found through Wikipedia is not the same as the Infenion IT Senior Manager showed her. But later when she gets back, she realized that she searched for it by typing SAPS, not SAP. Now, she has to choose to continue being baffled or stop being baffled. She regretted for not buying text books earlier. She must get them booked the next morning! She has to be twice hard working now for the finals. Poor Ann, she missed her mid term yesterday morning. Tsk tsk. No supplement some more, worse! LA PLAN: Maybe she doesn't have to sleep and then at 8am, she'll go to BIS lecture. Probably she'll ask Alex or Donovan to sign the attendance. But she’d better go. If someone finds out, she'll get killed. Ok, she has to go anyway. After class she got group discussion with Hana and Shaluja. And then if still early, can go have lunch with Alex before going to lab. But have to walk far, feeling very lazy already. Eh, she lost weight because of that and these few days, walking to Alex's house is her best option to lose more weight! YES, she should find some excuses to get to his house from MMU. Thank God the rain has cleared off yesterday noon. Now she can walk everywhere without wearing jacket and getting wet. She really thanks God that kind of rain doesn't come everyday. ANNOYED: But what if the sun shines so brightly again tomorrow and then she'll get clammy and pongy? Great, now she wished that she didn't pray for the rain to stop. But it's ok. She just needs air conditioner. But only original cool wind into her room, no need air conditioner. Or else she'd end up like her cousin who only can survive in cool places. FLASH BACK! She has to do her work NOW!!!
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