This year, 2011, really shows how much I lack in blogging. Passion just gone in a twink. But no worries. I must, I should and I would keep this blog alive for the upcoming dooms year 2012! And yes, here I am on December 31st posting about some good stuffs that happened last night. I mean reeeeeeeeeeeally good stuffs. Check out the picture below:

Yes, my boys. My B2STly boys. B2ST!
Ok, ok.. I know I'm always posting about them. But won't you just feel happy that whoever you're supporting wins something? It's not by without any effort these boys got the award for "SONG OF THE YEAR" in KBS Gayo Daejun 2011. There's only ONE award presented last night. Imagine.. Just imagine.. WHEEEE!
Check out the videos below:
Fiction Remixed
Awkward but SUPERB beginning!
As you can see, my little star's face is right there! Haha..
I can never congratulate them enough! B2UTYs really love them so much that they helped the B2ST to the top! Indeed, B2ST stands for Boys To Search for Top! I hated the full name, seriously.. But seeing their success, they've done well and I shall stop complaining! :)
♥ DuJun, HyunSeung, JunHyung, YoSeob, GiKwang, DongWoon ♥
And all the best in your upcoming World Tour:
ALRIGHT! Next...
Right before December 30th is December 25th which means CHRISTMAS! I'm just gonna share pictures of my post-Christmas lunch. Just the dishes, alright? Lovelylovelylovely, I'm telling you!
Dessert, the SWEETNESSBOMB!! ♥
And the drinks:
White wine, Sparkling Juice, some home-made Punch.
If you've noticed one thing, I had this wonderful fabulous luxurious lunch in a house! Yessss, someone's house! Not in any restaurants or cafes. These days, you can hardly find shops that serve you with loads of plates and forks and spoons!
This is the table setting:
Noticed the cutleries? Hahahaha! I was confused when we started our meals. My friend gotta teach me which to use first for the shrimps, then for the soup (This I know!!), for the rice, for the dessert.. One more thing that really excites me was the WHITE WINE. It was my first time tasting it after a period of time without taking alcohol. The first sip was HORRIBLE! I am telling you, honestly.. Was horrible! You can never understand whyyyyyy would anyone likes drinking it.. But after a few sips, it tastes like fruit juice. Though nothing was added into the wine, really really got the fruity taste. Oh well, after all, wines made of grapes =D
So, thanks to you, Mr White Wine that I got addicted to alcohol a little bit. I told my colleagues that we should have some RED WINE dates! Ha! We could get them cheap - through suppliers. And those dates are gonna be fun~ ♥ I can't wait :))
We're still in Christmas post, alright?
Here I'm gonna show you what presents I received:
After our post-Christmas lunch, we opened presents!
SADLY I wasn't smart enough to take the picture of my gift just like how I did for the other 2 presents. SIGH! Such a waste. But is okay.. I adore these little gifts' wrappers. Very candylicious! I wish I never opened it.. So lovely! And the gift I received, A DARK BLUE BLOUSE. It's soooooooooooo prettyful! And again, no picture :(((
My company has this small gifts exchange event ya, and we are to draw a name from a box. So my name was picked by THE MANAGER herself! OMG! I didn't know until the staff asked me what she gave to me. I thought she gave to everyone else.. but noooooooo, her gift is to me! Here's what she gave:
A beautiful aquaish blouse! Another blouse!! I totally adore it. BUT when I took it out, another OMG. I couldn't possibly wear it! But I'm gonna get myself THIN and put it on! xD
When you do good to others, others will do good to you. I never expected that TWO of my colleagues would get me something. They're such darlings and they're really really really good staffs! Check what they bought for me:
Isn't this such a lovely bag!? MY FIRST non-black and girlish bag! Now I could show it off when I go shopping with my babes!
It was a fruitful December!
Though it's not fruitful as a whole year..I wished I could be more productive and more self-less. There are things which I really want to undo but I guess all these mistakes are lessons to be learnt! 2011 is coming to the end. Yes, just one more day and I'm off to another year!
I am not gonna do any list for 2012 RESOLUTIONS because I've quite made up my mind on what I should focus on in 2012: CAREER. No one would believe that I'll say such things because I'm not the girl who seeks for high-earning salary but hey, people do change! I just wanna get a good job to support my family and to earn some returns.. :)
So, let's toast to the NEW YEAR 2012!
Forget what lies behind and focus on the prize/finishing line!
화이팅! GOOD LUCK! がんばって! 加油!