If A Friend...

If your friend could not understand
why you kept saying “Sorry, I can’t make it…” for good reasons,
then probably he is unable to cope with your mounting absence in the imminent days.

You could give countless of good grounds or explanation
but he would not be able to put his trust in you
until you’re able to show that you are available to him – as a friend.

If you are a friend, then be a friend…
Others can see that you really cannot make it to any outings.
To him, you are a friend whom he can rely on.
You may be a good friend, or a best friend,
No matter what it is, do your best to make yourself available…

I felt disappointed when one of my close pals couldn’t meet me.
Even when she’s near me…
She is not interested to go out with me?
Or she has to accompany her family?
Whatever good reasons she gave, I would still feel upset.

And I believe, another good friend of mine felt the same way.
I kept telling her that I couldn’t make it because I’m quite busy.
Our free time is so much different.
But how do I show her that I appreciate our friendship?

The answer is: Little things matters

Each person’s method is different.
So you’ll need to find out, by yourself, how little things you can do for your friend.

His New Album..

It's a ♥.

Can anyone get me this?

Is there...

pic: http://pmp-oneinamillion.blogspot.com/

pic: http://pmp-oneinamillion.blogspot.com/

The First Love for McFLY

Can you imagine I was so into, into McFly when I first saw Danny Jones (lead vocalist) in All About You? I was so crazy for the boys and fell in love with Danny. He has such a beautiful voice and I love his hair. His talent in playing the guitar is just so wonderful. During that period, a friend of mine bought me their first album, Room on The 3rd Floor. Since I was so crazy about the band, I kept playing their songs every single day. The songs aren’t bad. They’re superb! The lyrics which sometimes made me go “huh?” and their skills in playing the instruments. Wow. Here are the shots of my first owned original album.

After months of loving McFly, I finally settled on Harry Judd (drummer) and Tom Fletcher (vocalist). Both are the greatest in the band. In the first place, Danny stood out because of his hair and cute voice. But later on, Tom seems to be in the spotlight more than Danny. He gets fitter. And stylish.

Harry Judd

Tom Fletcher


(Apr 16th) All About Him

He is out there.
He is out there in a cold place.
He is out there holding his jacket close.
He cannot figure out what the people are talking.
He does not understand what the people understand.
He does not belong to the society.
He does not belong to the population.
He did nothing but continue to live his days there;
living as a person on a student exchange program.

Take care, my friend.
I am not anywhere near to take care of you.
But I believe that you are near enough to receive my text.
Remember God. And remember us.
Love you.
