I am the group leader (
sobs...) of BTD3114 Training and Development subject. And... the group members agreed to present a topic on
EQ = Emotional Intelligence. Tough topic? I think so. Here are the details...
"Emotional Intelligence"
Date: 8th December 2009
Venue: Contigency Lab 4
What's Alpha & Omega?Alpha & Omega are taken from the book of
Revelation in the Bible (
no one knows this when we discuss about our group's name). Alpha is First. We are the trainees who will teach from the beginning until the end, and even when the training sessions are over, the teachings will be remembered and implemented in our daily lifes; that's the Omega.
But we probably will change the name of our agency, if it doesn't sound too good.. or IN-TE-RES-TING..
What are we trying to do, you ask?
Well, it's all about group presentations of BTD3114. Each group will be training the rest of the students about any topics. Not just any topics, but topics on "What do we need to be trained?". Man! We don't just train the students. But we have to bring them into the atmosphere of EQ. How you mean? By decorating the classroom. By giving brochures. By playing games. Anything that makes the people feel like they're in a seminar or something... And
all these will contribute points to our group presentations! MARKS! Creative marks!
Now you can see how
desperate MMU students are for marks before final exams. As long as you've got great marks for midterm and coursework, you don't need to study that hard for finals. And guess what? I only know that years after I enrol in MMU. Seriously slooww.
So, please, READERS! Contribute your ideas on EQ!
If you've any interesting sites that I can visit, paste the link in the comment box!
Appreciating your feedback! :~P