Wendy drove me and
Charleson to have our lunch in Melaka Raya
(Peppermint's neighbour). The shop is filled with people. Working adults. And the price for the food...
His lunch, RM5.80

My lunch, RM4.00

He claimed that it's the price for working people. Tsk. After that, we went to Jaya Jusco.
Wendy wanted to get something for her ex-boss's son, 5 years old. So we were at the toy department, RUSS. And all of us went crazy. I was so totally into this...


I mean, seriously! It's like you could hang your tiny coats etc etc.. The other "cupboards" have little toys inside. And they turned and swirled. Wow. I didn't know the price. Surprisingly, you know what cute stuffs like that can make me do. Haha! And after walking a bit, we got to a place where there are 50% for some toys.
Charleson bought this..

I think he fell in love with these patches :))
And it's only

Great 50% off.
totally adores it.
Oh by the way, class is cancelled. That's why I was in JJ ;D