Ahhh .. it was definitely a tiring trip up to and down from Cameron Highlands .. Here is a list of what troubles and excitements we came across at the beginning and the end of the trip ..
April 14th
Venue: KFC (somewhere)
Time: Noon
"Isaac tried to start the engine but failed. And those who were sitting in the car have to fit into the other cars. It was very sad because it was just the beginning of the journey and the car broke down."
April 16th
Venue: Before Seremban until Alor Gajah
Time: Evening - Night
"All of us were behind schedule. When we were at Tapah's rest place when Joey's car went dead. They said that it's the battery fault. Jonathan called David who were at a workshop to come and help. After that, the car came back to 'live'. It started to rain heavily as we were heading our way home. When it comes to almost 7pm, the ones in the vans went for dinner in Sg Buluh. We went to look for food nearby. I had Burger King. After stuffing ourselves, we started our journey again. We were supposed to reach Malacca by 6pm but we arrived at the highway by 10.30pm."
April 14th
Venue: Pasar Malam
Time: 7pm
"We played a game in the night market. We were given one piece of paper, with a list of riddles written on it. We were supposed to look for the answer and take pics with it -- with all the group members. But our group were the 'bad' one because at one time, one went missing and wehad to look for them. Alas, we can't finish the game. We had our punishment :("

the riddles

the fried mushrooms .. yummy!!

not forgetting... the strawberries

(behind: Alex, Myles, Blessings, Emmanuel, Abraham, TK)
(front: Joanne, me, David)
April 15th
Venue: Mt Brinchang
Time: Noon
"It was my first -- but not going to be last time going up a mountain. Well, it's supposed to be Jungle Trekking. It was a lovely experience. I have no idea what's up there or how beautiful it is, I have an urge to get in there. Me, Shin Jie, Joanne, Pai Chet, and Joey went up together. The scenery was splendid! I was amazed by God's creation every now and then. The trees are so tall and grand. The soft and moist moss is so... mesmerizing! I can't get enough of the beautiful Mother Nature and I continued climbing with all my might with Phillip to the top."

Shin Jie, Pai Chet, me, Joanne

Phillip, me, (behind) Richard

Joanne, Pai Chet, Joey, Kera
April 16thVenue: Winter House
Time: 9.45am
"The outdoor game was fun --
The Drawing Game! There was a conflict between Benjamin and Zebulun care group on what to draw/write on the white banner. A brother wanted to write out their group's vision but a sister wanted to show the vision in pictures. But soon, the argument ended as we started our 'job'. And here is the banner:"

And we took a pic of those who wore Red:

Jasmine, Aaron, Joanne, me, Wee Kiat, Paul, Buma
Last night, I found out that the big van got into an accident with a Kancil. The driver was driving at 90km/hour and he said that he can't stop in time although the distance is enough. So, the van hit the back of the Kancil. From their description, it was hit badly. There were 16 people in the van. Plus, the road was wet. Thank God the van did not have any dents. And thank God the people are safe.
Total break downs: 5 cars + 1 van
p.s: more pictures coming up!
Thanks to Alex (green) for joining us:


Bro Buma (in yellow) went back to Sarawak today on the 3pm flight. It was very sad to see him leave. We had a farewell yam cha last night and he cried. He has been a great bro in Hope of God and it was really sad that he has to go back. Well, he had told me about going back on the 18th and I felt so so upset. It means he would be staying there till... God knows when. I just hope we are able to meet up sometime later. Farewell Brother Buma. May God bless you always!